Sarah Grenzeback
Tour Stop Number: 19Category: Mixed Media and Painting
Website: https://www.sarahgrenzeback.com/
Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/sarahgrenzeback_art
Email: sarah.grenzeback@gmail.com
Plein air oils, mixed media collage and abstract acrylics.
Plein air oil painter Sarah Grenzeback is inspired to get out her palette knife and easel by the open skies, pure light, and rich colors of the wild New Mexico landscape. She paints on site typically in one session, seeking to capture the moment … before the sun moves, or it starts raining. Her favorite pastime is to camp along the Chama River, roll out of her tent, and find a new spot to set up her easel.
Since she was little, Sarah always wanted to be an artist like her grandmother. Following in her footsteps, Sarah also creates mixed-media collage and abstract paintings, seeking to simply express and have fun with the materials.
Sarah studied art and oil painting at Brown University, the Rhode Island School of Design, The Art League School of Alexandria, VA, and with several New Mexico plein air artists. She also has a masters in Art Therapy from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, and is a practicing therapist.